Poetry … Somehow along my writing process I figured out that reading can be healing, it can
push creativity, it can widen your horizon and it can teach.
And this is what this poetry collection is about. Uniting all the aspects of poetry my goal is to feed
your thoughts with different content.
Starting with satisfying your small appetite on the go with „shorties“ moving further to educational
psychological and creativity pushing poetry.
You will be diving into subjects such as life, love, death, time, which again can be widely put on
Following you will find a little teaser for „The Taste of a Word.“
Two chosen poems, that will give your thoughts food and an insight of what to expect.
Let yourself go and enjoy.

„STOP. – Feed your Mind“Written in May 2020

What makes this book or poetry-collection if you want unique, is that I dedicated it to educational
poetry only.
Most of us don’t like to sit down and study, learn by heart, yet we learn all the time, we are being
influenced and manipulated all the time.
While reading, when listening to podcasts, while watching TV, when debating in interesting
conversations, so why not learning while reading poetry?
What you can expect is a wide range of information subtly painted in different lights and colors.
Pages filled with thought- provoking poems and poetic texts will encourage you to think outside
of the box and to make you actively aware of present day society-topics.
Following you will find a little teaser for „Stop.“
Two chosen poems, that will stimulate your brain and give you an insight of what to expect.
Trust your brain and enjoy.

„The Taste of a Word“Written in July 2020